About Us

See the calendar for more details about activities.
Monthly Programs & Meetings
Generally held the first Saturday from 9 am - 12 pm with a business meeting at 1 pm
Dewey First Church of God, 222 Osage Ave, Dewey, OK
"Make Lace Night" Weekly Gatherings
Generally held every Tuesday from 6:30 pm - 8 pm
Dewey First Church of God, 222 Osage Ave, Dewey, OK
Conducted throughout the year at Antique Shows, County Fairs. Make's Faire, and Area Museums.
Lace Embrace, our annual one day event is held in early October.
IOLI holds an annual convention for several days.
LMGO Library
A resource collection of Books, Magazines, Videos​, Patterns, Tools and other materials.
Membership in LMGO
$20 per calendar year.​
Members receive monthly newsletters, participate in monthly programs, and have access to the LMGO library.
Membership in I.O.L.I.
$30 - 40 per year.​
Quarterly publication (printed and/or digital), which includes articles, patterns, ideas and news of lace-related activities.
Annual Handbook (printed and/or digital)
Access to lending libraries for books, periodicals, videotapes, slides.